
Friday, May 16, 2014

First submission ever

Today, I submitted my first story. I submitted Writer's of the Future. This is it. Whether the story does well in WotF or not, I have officially crossed over into the world of actual, real-life, trying to sell my stories. I am now a Writer.

How weird is that?

All these years of dreaming, I've never sent anything else off. In fact, I've only ever submitted my work once before. It was in 12th grade. I was sitting in English class and my old English teacher from 10th grade burst into the room with a paper in her hand. She slapped it down on my desk and announced, "You have to submit this to the contest!"

Totally random.

It was an cheesy poem I had turned in for an assignment two years earlier. It was about a unicorn. Yeah. I'm that girl. I still remember most of it. Cloven hooves and golden horn, Wings of sparkling white. She fly's by day to the sun and back, The moon by way of night. I submitted it and ended up winning 1rst place for the whole school. The prize was an expensive bottle of shampoo. I had to spend $20 to get the conditioner that went with it.

Now that I'm actually sending things away, the rewards have the potential to be much better than shampoo. And I'm really excited. It is my intention to start sending one story out each month and continue to do so until the kids are in school and I have a bit more of my life back. Then I'll send out more.

I won't know how I do in WotF until late September and I'm not sure how that's going to be. Patience is not my strong suit, but I guess it's going to have to become so. There's a whole lot of sit and wait involved in writing.

I'm really not very good at it though!

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