
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Writer's of the Future Finalist!

As of yesterday afternoon, I am officially a Writer's of the Future Finalist! I'm vacillating. One minute I'm consumed with despair that the other 7 finalists have all got brilliant stories and my inclusion in the group was some sort of Carrie-esque practical joke. The next minute I want to run screaming through the streets that my story was awesome and I'm going to win I just know it!

These next 2-3 weeks are going to be very long. . .

It's finally September though, and my kidlets are finally back to school, which means I can finally get back to writing. I started the summer really believing that I was going to be able to fit some writing in here and there. I was going to submit a story once a month, get ahead on some publishable works. Yeah. Didn't happen. I have two boys. The younger one, I could raise twelve of. He's sweet and adorable and listens to every little thing you ask him to do. Then there's my older son. Who feels very much like twelve children all wrapped up into one. He's sweet when he wants to be and he's incredibly smart, but all the really impressive qualities like independence and out-of-the-box thinking that I hope he holds onto as an adult make him exhausting to raise. He's a perfect personality clone of his dad.

But the summer wasn't a total loss. In fact, it was kind of awesome. We spent time in Colorado with Brandon's family. I took the boys to Ontario for three weeks to see my parents. And I got a surprise trip to London. How awesome is that? I came home with a double decker bus shaped notebook filled with ideas that I'm dying to start fleshing out. Hopefully I can keep my brain busy writing while I wait to hear back from WotF.

Two to three weeks isn't that long right? And even if I don't place this quarter, being able to land a finalist position on the very first story I've ever sent in has to count for something. A lot really. It means I'm on the right track, and this little dream of mine isn't quite the delusion I've always feared. Especially considering that this is the very first story I've ever actually finished. I've written completed first drafts before. Lots of them. But this was the first time I've ever gone through and actually rewritten a story. It's something I'm going to have to practice more of.

Here's crossing my fingers!

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